To answer this question, you need to know how they work. A normal stomach can expand up to 1 to 1.5 liters of food. So, weight loss procedures rely on reducing your stomach’s capacity, which will help you feel fuller faster without consuming large meals.
You need to deal with your emotional issues and stop focusing on weight loss. You will see results but you have to watch your calories. I have lost 21 lbs in two and a half months …… I have a horrible thyroid and was desperate. Now, if I eat something I shouldn’t it can get bad but it goes away quickly. Did you start working out, change diet or have lots of runs to the bathroom?
Having at least five portions, or ideally 7-9 portions, of a variety of fruit and vegetables per day. These should be in place of foods higher in fat and calories. For example, fresh fruit makes a good, healthy snack if you feel hungry.